Difference between Redis and MS SQL Server

In today’s data-driven world, businesses and developers need a variety of databases to store and manage their data. From traditional SQL databases to newer NoSQL solutions, each database type has its own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at Redis, a popular in-memory NoSQL database, and compare it to other database types, including SQL and other NoSQL databases. A relational database management system developed by Microsoft.

Redis includes the Redis benchmark utility, which can simulate n clients sending m running commands of total queries at the same time . You can use the Redis benchmark to evaluate the performance of Redis. Redis has some very neat features such as sets, lists and sorted lists.

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We primarily still use Memcache for caching but one of the teams uses Redis for both long-term storage and temporary expiry keys without taking on another external dependency. As a conclusion, I think speed is not the only reason to use Redis cache over SQL Server https://www.globalcloudteam.com/tech/redis/ database but another reason is Redis cache reduces good amount of load from the database. Security options in SQL database are next level… Data masking, hiding sensitive data where always neglected on premise, whereas you’ll get this automatically in the cloud.

Why Redis is better than SQL

However, to stay ahead of the competition, most enterprises need to operate at the scale of a few million operations per second with sub millisecond latency. Today’s competitive business environment also drives companies to innovate and bring new services to market faster than ever before. But they must do so without affecting any legacy applications. Redis, or RE-dis, is an open-source in-memory data structure project implementing a distributed, in-memory key-value database with optional durability. It is built and maintained by Redis Labs, with the first release in 2009. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, and geospatial indexes with radius queries.

Redis memory fragmentation

Finally, we’ll provide a quick guide to getting started with Redis, so you can begin exploring its powerful capabilities right away. Redis stands for Remote Dictionary Server which is an in-memory https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ data structure project implementing a distributed, in-memory key–value database with optional durability. Redis is developed by Redis labs and initially released on May 10, 2009.

Why Redis is better than SQL

Microsoft® SQL Server is a database management and analysis system for e-commerce, line-of-business, and data warehousing solutions. I also provide options for persistence, these options allow users to save their data to disk for storage. You can also turn off persistence and use me as an efficient network data cache function. Redis also allows you to run atomic operations, such as incrementing the value in a hash or even pushing an element in a list. Because Redis is in-memory, you must consider whether you want to backup, or “persist”, the data.

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DBA Console allows users with administrative privileges to access DBA features such as database init file configuration, RMAN backup, storage, etc. While not a replacement for Redis, you should keep in mind MySQL supports hash indexes . You can then store all keys in memory by increasing the my.ini value key_buffer_size. This likely won’t replace redis, but keep in mind you can get a bit closer to NoSQL performance with these things.

Why Redis is better than SQL

MySQL is the most popular open source relational database management system, which was released in 1995, later got acquired and maintained by Oracle. I was doing a performance test between Azure Redis cache and Azure SQL Server. I have created a simple ASP.NET Core application and inside that I have read data from SQL Server database as well as Redis multiple times and compare the read time duration between them. For database reading I have used Entity Framework Core and for Redis reading I have used ‘Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis’. I’m an open-source in-memory data structure storage system, I can be used as a database, cache, and message middleware.

Caching is used to make everything a bit faster. There is cache in everything an it’s not hard to implement it in C#.

Especially if you have more complex queries with joins against SQL server. Even if SQL was faster though, Redis is often used to lessen the load on SQL. Depending on your app service plan, you can start running out of steam on SQL pretty quick with lots of users. On premise solutions always suffer from fragmented implementations here and there, where several “dba’s” keep track of security and maintenance. With a cloud database it’s much easier to keep a central overview.

Redis offers memory efficiency, fast operating speed, high availability and provides some features like tunability, replication, clustering, etc. First of all, you’d probably want to go with a managed service. Don’t spin up your own MySQL installation on your own Linux box. If you are on AWS, thet have different offerings for database services.

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I’ve compared MySQL to a lot of other popular databases already but looking at the top ten I still haven’t covered Redis. Admittedly, Redis was another resource I hadn’t heard about before. I have heard about it, but only ever in passing. For example, the only real background knowledge I do have about Redis is that it’s a NoSQL database. But I was curious to learn more of the specifics, or at least pick up some more knowledge on Redis.

  • Because it stores data in memory in the form of key value pair, we can store frequently accessed data in cache which are not changes very frequently.
  • The service cannot run in the VNET as Azure Virtual Machines do.
  • Using pipelines can improve the performance of Redis operations.
  • The right tool for the right job, sometimes it’ll be redis other times sqlite other times something totally different.
  • Today’s competitive business environment also drives companies to innovate and bring new services to market faster than ever before.

Aurora would be my preferred choice given the benefits it offers, storage optimizations it comes with… Such managed services easily allow you to apply new security patches and upgrades, set up backups, replication… Doing this on your own would either be risky, inefficient, or you might just give up. As far as which database to chose, you’ll have the choice between Postgresql, MySQL, Maria DB, SQL Server… I personally would recommend MySQL , as the official tooling for it is great, stable, and moreover free. Other database services exist, I’d recommend you also explore Dynamo DB.

SQL and Redis are both powerful tools for data storage and retrieval.

But the difference is that, in general, Redis will perform about 100 times faster than a database. For this reason, when a lightning fast cache technology is needed, MySQL often will not be suitable for this purpose, but a cache like Redis might be suitable. Redis is generally faster than SQL for certain types of data retrieval operations due to its in-memory storage and caching capabilities.


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