How to analyze customer reviews with NLP: a case study

However, NLG can be used with NLP to produce humanlike text in a way that emulates a human writer. This is done by identifying the main topic of a document and then using NLP to determine the most appropriate way to write the document in the user’s native language. NLP attempts to analyze and understand the text of a given document, and NLU makes it possible to carry out a dialogue with a computer using natural language. Human language is typically difficult for computers to grasp, as it’s filled with complex, subtle and ever-changing meanings. Natural language understanding systems let organizations create products or tools that can both understand words and interpret their meaning.

language understanding nlu help filter reviews

As the business grows, the number of reviews might become unmanageable, making it difficult to understand the overall sentiment of the population. This is where NLP techniques should come into play, allowing many comments to be parsed and analyzed to extract valuable and actionable insights. Any establishment that grows beyond a specific size must rely on Data Science techniques to analyze many reviews they may get on different platforms. This process can be automated, providing quick feedback and a broad vision of what is attracting or disenchanting customers. We started by evaluating the available data, with particular attention to the format and soundness of each field.

Everything you need to know about NLUs whether you’re a Developer, Researcher, or Business Owner.

The multilingual XLM-roBERTa-base model was trained on ~198M tweets and fine-tuned for sentiment analysis. This report analyzes the customer reviews of Britannia International Hotel Canary Wharf. The analysis was performed using Natural Language Processing techniques, and the results were used to identify which aspects of the hotel’s service needed to be improved. Apart from the hospitality industry, this analysis can benefit any other sector with access to customer feedback, like e-commerce, food services, or the entertainment industry. Trying to meet customers on an individual level is difficult when the scale is so vast.

  • For example, Wayne Ratliff originally developed the Vulcan program with an English-like syntax to mimic the English speaking computer in Star Trek.
  • Having support for many languages other than English will help you be more effective at meeting customer expectations.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the creation of intelligent software or hardware to replicate human behaviors in learning and problem-solving areas.
  • We used NLG to generate different, context-appropriate message versions that were sent out to sample audiences to gauge effectiveness.
  • This is a powerful yet lightweight method that, due to its fully unsupervised nature, can be employed in different domains and even with other languages.
  • This is useful for consumer products or device features, such as voice assistants and speech to text.

With our filtering, we were able to have access to information about our particular hotel. Your NLU solution should be simple to use for all your staff no matter their technological ability, and should be able to integrate with other software you might be using for project management and execution. Let’s take an example of how you could lower call center costs and improve customer satisfaction using NLU-based technology. Because of its immense influence on our economy and everyday lives, it’s incredibly important to understand key aspects of AI, and potentially even implement them into our business practices.

Why is natural language understanding important?

Whether delivering personalised product recommendations in eCommerce, assisting in financial investment decisions, or providing individualised patient care in healthcare, NLU plays a pivotal role. Conversational AI powered by NLU boosts efficiency enhances customer experiences, and enables intelligent decision-making based on language comprehension. It was predominantly perceived as a positive aspect, with many general compliments, and being considered convenient and centrally located. However, one crucial trend the business should be aware of is that, over time, location has been mentioned less frequently in positive reviews while increasingly referred to in negative reviews. While this may relate to the external location and, therefore, to external factors outside of immediate hotel control, it is a potential trend worth keeping an eye out for.

language understanding nlu help filter reviews

These findings enable accurate disease diagnosis, facilitate outcome prediction, and inform the development of suitable treatment plans. By identifying patterns or anomalies in the data, your business can take proactive measures to address potential delays, such as adjusting production schedules, allocating additional resources, or notifying customers in advance. NLU, the technology behind intent recognition, enables companies to build efficient chatbots.

Natural-language understanding

Additionally, the large corpus of customer feedback makes it time-consuming to manually review them to capture customers’ preferences and pain points. Therefore, we also proceeded to analyze the review texts with Natural Language Processing techniques to understand the intrinsic feelings and emotions behind reviews and recognize which aspects of the hotel required improvements. Being able to rapidly process unstructured data gives you the ability to respond in an agile, customer-first way. Make sure your NLU solution is able to parse, process and develop insights at scale and at speed. Intent recognition identifies what the person speaking or writing intends to do. Identifying their objective helps the software to understand what the goal of the interaction is.

language understanding nlu help filter reviews

He advised enterprises on their technology decisions at McKinsey & Company and Altman Solon for more than a decade. He led technology strategy and procurement of a telco while reporting to the CEO. He has also led commercial growth of deep tech company Hypatos that reached a 7 digit annual recurring revenue and a 9 digit valuation from 0 within 2 years. Cem’s work in Hypatos was covered by leading technology publications like TechCrunch and Business Insider.


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