Load Testing Tutorial Definition how to Example

This cloud-based load testing tool enables teams to record and playback thorough load tests in real browsers at scale, without the need for complicated dynamic correlation. Teams have been able to enhance test coverage and reduce load testing time by more than 60%. Load Testing is a type of performance testing in which any software, application, or website is subjected to a realistic load.

Your application could fail badly in real-world scenarios if you don’t have it. Load Testing establishes if a system, piece of software, or computing equipment can manage high loads given a high demand from end-users by examining how it responds under normal and high loads. Beyond this, at LoadView we constantly look to innovate and provide new and improved resources for our clients. A load testing platform needs to evolve with the changing demands of our rapidly moving digital reality. At LoadView, our sole focus is on our clients’ successful load testing, on-demand and on budget.

What is performance testing?

In this section, we are going to understand load testing, which is the important part of Performance testing and used to check the performance of the software by applying some load. Load testing puts exhausting amounts of demand on a system to measure how it responds under both normal and peak loads. Thus, before you jump into load testing, it is highly desirable to first evaluate the best approach to execute load testing with a strong strategy that considers the entire nature of the application along with business goals. With a comprehensive strategy, you streamline testing and can save a significant amount of time and investment on unnecessary tests and efforts. Therefore, quality assurance (QA) agents are sometimes the people that perform functional tests.

load tester definition

Endurance tests send various amounts of traffic at a web app over longer periods of time and checks if any anomalies arise due to extended use of system resources. For example, sometimes bugs can appear during endurance testing because of memory overflow or improper garbage collection. Capacity testing identifies the maximum capacity of a website by testing the highest possible number of simultaneous requests and then ramps up that number by adding more users over time. If the system successfully responds to all requests within the required time, the system has successfully passed a capacity test. LoadView is a comprehensive load testing suite – and the best load testing tool in the market.

Open source load testing tools

Lastly, LoadRunner can manage thousands of users at the same time. For a comprehensive list of many of the tools available today, check out our list of 50 load testing tools. Through specialized testing software, load testing places a simulated “load” or demand on your web application to ensure it remains stable during operation. During a load test, testing software will measure the capacity of your web application via transaction response times. Load Testing, the most well-known and widely used sort of performance testing, includes putting a software application or IT system under normal demand to check if it can function as expected.

load tester definition

JMeter can generate heavy load on different types of apps, including web apps, web services, and databases queries, among many other protocols. One thing to remember about JMeter is that it operates at the protocol-level only. This means that if you are looking to carry out performance tests that include client-side interactions, JMeter is not the tool for this job. Additionally, since JMeter must be installed on a local device, you can only scale your tests to a certain point. For these reasons, you should avoid JMeter and consider a solution like LoadView, which supports web application frameworks and technologies, real browsers, and fully manged load injectors.

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Automating testing frees up the tester so they can perform more advanced tests and spend more time analyzing results. Automated tests can be repeatedly run after every code https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ change with minimal user interaction. Automated testing can often catch issues before end users experience a problem, because automated tests are running consistently.

load tester definition

As it is, the choice of your solution will be motivated by its functionalities and its compatibility with your solution. Capturing client side changes that don’t interact with server can be extremely tedious and time consuming. Cannot create and playback dynamic test scripts without JMeter, Gatling etc. With eight years’ load tester definition experience teaching high schoolers, he now teaches people about the world of technology and how to get the most out of your computer systems. Token lockup (or vesting period) is a specific time frame when cryptocurrency tokens cannot be traded… It’s important to choose a tool that best fits your business needs.

Advantages of Load Testing

Tests can be scheduled or run on-demand, but tests are typically planned for a time when traffic is low so that any problems caused by the heavy traffic will affect the fewest number of actual customers. You can upload your load test scripts as scenarios.Once you have a load test scenario defined, you can run these on our distributed load generators. At Flood, we support over 15 geographical regions in multiple cloud environments, including AWS and Azure, as well as the option to run from your on-premise or other cloud infrastructure using Flood Agent. We place no limit on how or where you choose to run your load generators, and it is entirely up to you. All of our reports include a variety of performance-related measurements to help you analyze the impact on performance metrics.

load tester definition

LoadNinja has a simple and easy-to-use interface that doesn’t require any additional downloads. Adding concurrent virtual users,  configuring test duration, playback time, and more are all possible with a few clicks in our intuitive interface. These steps will provide a good foundation to begin load testing your application. Next, identify how the average user will use the application and write out scripts for some of the common paths of a user. Testing should be used during the development of web apps, during quality assurance, after new releases, prior to new product releases and marketing initiatives, and pretty much any time something about the system changes. Learn more about the various monitoring tools in the market today by reading our article where we compare the top 15 application monitoring tools.

Other types of Testing

This indicates that performance bottlenecks exist, and they need to be addressed. The primary goal of load testing is to uncover and improve performance bottlenecks. Also, it aims to ensure the application’s stability and smooth functioning before launching it to real users.

  • To prepare an extensive article, we have closely collaborated with load testing experts and proxy specialists.
  • Load testing is the subset of performance testing that looks at a system’s ability to perform under high user loads.
  • Each time you update anything in production, there is a potential for introducing bugs or other unintended changes.
  • Even a few seconds of downtime can significantly impact a company’s bottom line.
  • LoadRunner is another product produced by a software giant in Micro Focus.

For an app that connects to a remote back-end, spinning up a few concurrent users on a mobile app can generate load, potentially slowing the system down. Mobile performance testing may also throw a curveball into the performance metrics due to the type and quality of the user connection. If the user is in a geographic zone where high-speed data is not available, that can also limit the speed of a test. Some load testing systems, like LoadView, allow for emulating a connection type for testing. This is done by artificially limiting the bandwidth used by the app.


Better to mitigate that risk beforehand with robust and thorough load testing. Load Testing is difficult, thus getting aid from specialists or learning to use load testing tools to make API testing easier and more adaptable is the best option. Even though you completed load testing as part of the testing process a few months ago, it is recommended that you do it again if the code has been altered numerous times since then. All of the code modifications performed after your load testing may have had an impact on the system’s ability to handle the load. After establishing your load testing scenarios, decide on your target load numbers, as well as how and where you are initiating the load from.


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