What is outstaffing and what are the benefits of it?

As a result, the differences between outstaffing vs outsourcing companies can be significant and completely fit or contradict your original needs. To make the right choice between the outstaffing agency or outstaffing company in Ukraine, you need to clearly assess your preferences and the number of outstaffing services that you need. If you need highly specialized assistance, it is much easier to contact an agency that provides you with remote web development.

The amount an employee gets paid either for salary or any benefit extras is usually not disclosed to the client, as the information technology services provider can disburse that money as it sees fit. The benefit is that you always know the exact amount you will pay monthly, and you’re spared the management hassles of administrating your outstaff team. These two models help companies accelerate development and optimize staffing costs, as well as leverage the invaluable expertise of IT professionals around the world.

  • This is when a company hires a third party to perform tasks, process transactions, or provide services.
  • Next, the recruitment process is held on the side of the outstaffing vendor.
  • Companies can offshore either by creating their own in-house centre or via an outsourcing agreement with a third party.
  • At first, cost efficiency was the main reason to choose outsourcing.
  • The client rarely has access to the development team itself and those people who complete all the work on the project usually work on several projects at a time.
  • It’s hard to keep an eye on all the processes involved in your project.

Outsourcing has already become a common practice in IT companies. In other words, you attract the team from an agency and delegate to them certain projects of your company. In the area of information technology, such work may include the creation of a mobile or web application, product design, software development, business analytics, etc. Outsourcing is considered to be focused on business decisions. Outstaffing services are similar to outsourcing but have particular differences. Giving employees out of the state means that the agency providing the workers is still responsible for their working quality and other supplementary processes.

Why Choosing Mobilunity Software Outstaffing Services Is a Great Solution?

While the “outstaffing” and “outsourcing” terms are used miscellaneously, there is a distinct difference in comparing outstaffing vs. outsourcing. Outstaffing can adequately solve your business goals, yet it comes with its own set of benefits and risks. As a result of the pandemic, many companies have experienced significant staff cuts. There was a require to apply to subcontracting companies to fill up the vacancies. Employees who are transferred to an outstaffing system may perceive it negatively, lose their motivation, and neglect their duties.

The staffing service provider takes care of L&D activities, so you don’t have to invest in them to retain the talent. Finding out the truth about a company’s reputation is easy enough these days when both businesses and individuals can use social media. You can study the information on the company’s pages or reviews on social networks. This question should be solved, stipulated and prescribed in the contract at the negotiation stage.

Also, in the case of outsourcing, the contractor is looking for employees for the customer’s company and formalizes them in its state. When running out of staff, the contractor assigns employees of the customer enterprise to its personnel. How they are similar, and how to distinguish outsourcing from outstaffing. Both concepts denote a special relationship between the company and employees outside the central workforce. First of all, let’s figure out what outstaffing is and how it works. Outstaffing means that you hire staff from the “outside”, a separate vendor who provides you with the high-qualified workforce.

Critical stages of cooperation with outstaffing organization

Alternatively, within classical outsourcing the client partners with an outsourcing vendor that takes full responsibility over managing talent and implementing the project. That’s why outsourcing rates include the cost of daily team management, overheads that the vendor uses to cover the salaries of other employees, and risk management. This explains why, on average, outstaffing rates are 20 to 30 percent lower than outsourcing rates. Outstaffing is a type of remote hiring when a dedicated team of IT professionals, for example, software developers, testers, or any other human resource is provided by a third-party contractor. These remote specialists work decently on the projects of the recruiting client for the period of their contract.

Their recruiter uses candidate portraits and makes pre-screening calls with suitable candidates. When a candidate matches the corporate culture of the client and their experience is relevant, the recruiter sends their CV with comments to the client and waits for feedback. So, the main difference is that outsourcing refers to the whole project support, while outstaffing provides hiring and maintenance of individuals. Outstaffing is a type of remote employments when a hired person carries out all the job duties for a company being officially employed by another company . The latter one acts as an employer, thus is responsible for wages, bonuses, equipment granted to a worker, while a client company provides a worker with tasks and assignments.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Outstaffing Model?

When you outsource, you have the option of hiring workers from different countries or states. This allows you to hire the best person for your job without being limited by location or availability. When working with an outsourced team, ensure everyone understands the importance of meeting What is Conventional And Smart Outstaffing deadlines and sticking to milestones so that work gets done on time. In the case of ProCoders, we don’t hide our clients, and you can look at some of the projects we have already done. You just need to send your requirements and get the CVs of those interested in your project.

If the team already has work experience, it will definitely have positive recommendations from previous cooperation, and this is an additional argument in favor of the company. Outsourcing and outstaffing help small businesses to keep up with the larger corporations by attracting powerful intellectual capital. External specialists help small businesses to handle their operations without spending lots of budgets. Many believe that it will be difficult to cooperate with Ukrainian outstaffing companies because of the language barrier. But this is a big illusion about outstaffing in Ukraine because the level of knowledge of the English language in Ukraine is very high.

How to choose the right IT outstaffing company?

So it is a geographical activity that enables to lower market costs or hire additional talents overseas. For commercial companies, it is also an excellent way to establish their business presence around the globe. Strong and effective management of an outstaffing company is a guarantee of successful and beneficial cooperation. Pay close attention to this, because managers provide the functionality inside any company. When you feel that outstaffing is the right thing for you, then finding a vendor must be your next step.

Critical stages of cooperation with outstaffing organization

As for outstaffing, this is the registration of personnel in the contractor’s staff. At the same time, the client company assigns work and tasks. Thus, there is no need to look for performers for your lice company. Instead, this will be done by the outstaff company with which you agree on the project’s details and deadlines. They select the right professionals from their talent pool for your tasks and requests.

Benefits of the outstaffing model

This collaboration model implies hiring an outsourced team to carry out a project from A to Z and take all responsibility for the development process . He neither deals with technical issues nor leads the developers or supervises staff members. The outstaffing market is constantly growing all over the world. This is connected to the cheaper price and the range of quality. Most companies don’t want to make digital products in-house, for it incurs the high cost of labor and arranging of additional working space. So such an option as hiring an outstaffing company turned out to be a real relief.

Critical stages of cooperation with outstaffing organization

When you have a specific plan and a dedicated team that helps you boost your product, fast growth is inevitable. Make sure the person or company you hire has good communication skills and is easy to reach when problems arise, or questions arise during development . If there’s no response from your outsourced team after several days, consider finding someone else until they respond again. The region has a very qualified and experienced IT workforce, which makes it an ideal location for outsourcing projects with strict requirements such as quality or security. Outsourcing is when you hire an outside company to do a task or project for you.

Do you want access to this worker as a manager, working with them and controlling their workflow daily as if they were a member of your ongoing IT staff? Any company needs good specialists, but not everyone has all the necessary capabilities and resources to recruit and maintain a vast staff. That is why many companies use outstaffing and outsourcing services. The choice of one of the models largely depends on your business’s initial needs, goals, and capabilities.

What Is Outstaffing?

In the best-case scenario, the client company has tech expertise on its side to manage the extended team, while the outstaffing service provider facilitates everything else. However, it’s not uncommon for companies to hire project managers together with the remote team through an outstaffing vendor. Outstaffing models can be a way out for a lot of companies struggling to hire people with the right skill set.

How the introduction of Digital Transformation contributes to business

But modern technologies offer excellent solutions to cope with them. Nowadays there are many services that let you control working time, analyze the effectiveness of each employee and receive all necessary reports. Also, you can use tools for project management where you can create tasks, add users to them, control the progress and simplify the whole workflow. Learn more in our article about the management of the remote development team. Thus, the transfer of non-core and highly specialized activities of the customer is one of the indisputable advantages of the cooperating with outstaffing company. Moreover, by choosing PEO as your partner, you don’t have to worry about employees’ retention.

What is an outsourcing service?

Let’s assume there’s a development team, but they’re missing one member of the team. In that case, they go to an outstaffing agency and hire their employee to be a part of their team until the project is done. The outstaffing model requires a clearly defined task and provides for a person who will perform it properly. The customer pays directly to the agency, which furtherly pays money to the employee. Typically, a specialist stays in his previous company but works on another project until it’s completely done. If you need temporary expansion of your workforce, the outstaffing services will come to you in hand.

Outstaffer deals with all issues related to the calculation, accrual, and payment of salaries and bonuses and taxes, and various fees. The customer only makes the payment that is stipulated by the contract. Laila Azzahra is a professional writer and blogger that loves to write about technology, business, entertainment, science, and health. You gain a long-term partnership enabling projects with flexible requirements.

Another question that causes a little misunderstanding in software development is about IT outstaffing and IT outsourcing and how they differ. Both of these terms have come in the IT sphere and considered relatively new ones. When international companies could not cover their needs with in-house candidates on the job market, they found a solution to search for a development team abroad.

If you compare local vs remote web development, the latter is much cheaper due to no tax and office-related expenses. Remote full-time workers have the highest rate of job satisfaction. Software development market statistics https://globalcloudteam.com/ of the tech countries — Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Belarus, and Croatia. You cooperate with a specialized IT company, which means implementing the latest technologies and tools.


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